Thursday, February 12, 2009

Vday Tag

Thanks for the tag Rachel!! :O)

1) Do you believe in Valentines Day? Well...the actual history of Valentine's Day through the Romans If you don't know the actually's funny! Although Jamie purposed on V I enjoy celebrating it now!!!

2) What would you most like to receive for a Valentine gift? For some reason...I am beginning to like jewelry..other than my hemp jewelry haha

3) What would you most like to give for a Valentine gift? I have always dreamed of getting Jamie a truck for his bday, or vday...but he has already accomplished that on his own!!! Maybe next year...a new scope for his rifle!?

4) Is it better to give then to receive? Always!!!

5) Do you consider yourself a 'romantic'? Mmmm depends on my mood...but more or less no.

6) What is your idea of a romantic Valentine’s Day? Doing what we love together...snowboarding, shooting guns, hunting, hiking...and topping it off with a nice dinner, and movie.

7) In reality, what is your Valentine’s Day really like? ...snowboarding, and a romantic evening on the town.

8) What is your favorite candy? I dig Butter Popcorn flavored Jelly Bellys!

9)Is there any sweet treat you absolutely do not like? No way Jose!

10)What is your favorite restaurant? Pretty much any steak house...and Bonsai!

11)Do you consider yourself a lovable person? I think so!

12)Do you think the majority of your family and friends would consider you lovable? Sure thing dude!

13)What is your own definition of love? Finding a best friend, who you love unconditionally, and can picture yourself spending all eternity with. A partnership between two people who will take care of one another, and put the other before themselves.

14)What is the funniest Valentine you have received? My mom...ha. She is spunky..and has a crazy sense of humor...

15)What is the Saddest/Worst Valentine you received? Never have had a sad or bad vday!

16)Do you like the little candy hearts? Only the white and purple.

17)Did you ask anyone to be your Valentine? If so who? Not yet!

18)What's you favorite "LOVE" song? Conway Twitty "Lay Ya Down" Jamie is always singing it to me haha

19)Is there a Valentine commercial or slogan you just love? Nada clue.

20)If you could have one wish for Valentines Day what would it be? one else on the mountain boarding but us two!! haha

I tag...Ash, Selina, Kenz, and Rachel B.


Kenzee Jo said...

Aw tagged me...unless there's another Kenz :] haha...I LOVE BONSAI TOO!! yum-yum...Hope you have a wonderful "Love Day"...see ya around...

elonna said...

Kind of fun to hear. We are doing great just staying busy with little kiddies. Happy Valentines!