Friday, December 3, 2010

Galactogogue, say it, it's a funny word.

Breast milk production. Yup. In the process of trying to up it! It WASN'T low, I was just drinking Mother's Milk herbal tea, to up my milk production a bit more, so I could pump more for my back stock. It was working like a charm!

However, I may be strictly breastfeeding, but I have indeed started to mensturate. The first time I didn't notice Elijah have an unfavorable reaction to it. But this second time around, I am!

Poor fella is not only not liking the taste or consistency, but he isn't getting enough. He has been extremely fussy the past couple of days, because he hasn't been getting enough. So I have been dipping into my back stock.

Good thing is that the hormonal fluctuation only lasts the first couple of days, and will level out and go back to normal.

In the mean time I will try the tricks of the trade. Mother's Milk herbal tea (main herb ingredient Fenugreek) and I will start on the herbal supplement as well. But beyond Fenugreek I will try herbs like goat's rue, fennel, hops, blessed thistle or oats are all thought to boost a low or waning milk supply in nursing mothers.

If it all works great! I only hope he isn't too disgusted with the taste of my milk. I don't like to dip into my precious backstock lol. I try to keep it for when I have to go to work, or for snowboarding. But if he needs it, then he needs it!

Any of you mother's gone through something similar? Needed to produce more? What did you try? I would love to hear!