Tuesday, October 28, 2008


So..great news!! I have been offered an internship position with one of my favorite snowboarding companies..BETTY RIDES!

I will be doing relatively the same thing as I am already doing with shreddingbetty. Marketing and advertising!

Things have been picking up quickly for me these days. I am in the process of building Summit County Snowboard Shop in Colorado a website for their board shop. This is my first paying position in the snowboarding industry- more or less!

This coming December I will be traveling to New York for a week. Shreddingbetty is putting on a huge event called Betty's Get On Board. It will basically be just a bunch of gals shredding to our hearts content!! We will have some pretty big sponsors there with us...such as BURTON!!! YAY!!!! Us Betty's will be staying in a posh cabin near the mountain. I will also get to do some sight seeing...I am already planning on going to visit the Sacred Grove- Where Joseph Smith had his first vision!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Our Newest Edition!

So the past couple of days have been snowy!! Very snowy!! Yesterday Summit kept on wanting to go outside and play, he would literally whine at the door like crazy..I went out with him to play, and end up seeing a little orange kitten behind our shed playing in the logs.

Typical me..I tried to catch it..no luck. I had to go to church, so off I went...thinking about the kitty that had perked my curiosity. I got home, and went to let Summit it...but he just didn't want to come inside..that is weird for him. I let him play, and went back outside a few min later. I ended up seeing a calico kitten under the deck..where Summit has been digging a nice hole these days.. I figured there were kittens under there, so I called Animal Control. Before they came I went to go to laundry, Summit was STILL outside.. I could hear him barking like crazy..he never barks..

So I opened the basement door leading to our back yard...and to my surprise..there she was..a little solid black kitten. Finally Animal Control came out, they found the mother of the kittens under the deck, and she wasn't alive :O(

They took the kittens to the vet, and checked em out, and gave them their shots. They called me back and asked if I wanted to keep one. The only female was the solid black one. So I took her, with a starter kit they kindly provided me with.

We have named her Chione- which means Snow Goddess...I found that totally appropriate! We call her Chi for short :O) Summit adores having her around, he bathes her, and cuddles her like there is no tomorrow..it's adorable!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Close Encounters of the Third Kind...well just SNOW!!!!!!!!!

So it snowed this morning...we got dumped on!! Boy am I stoked!! Jamie and I have been kinda worried about Summit.. when it's 50 degrees outside this dog is a wimp and makes his potty trips outside very treacherous and short. What on earth was he gonna do when it snowed!?? Well I found out this morning!! He went outside to the back deck, and stopped...looked at the ground, and started walking down the stairs, oh so cautiously. When he finally got to the grass he started to sniff this white fluffy stuff!! " What is this ma?" I totally saw it in his eyes lol. Eventually he decided he needed to eat it, and then roll in it, and then run around like a MANIAC!! He is totally a snow dog! He is absolutely head over heels in love with the snow...just like me!!