Monday, June 11, 2012

Week 41 THE END!

41 weeks!!
Tomorrow marks my milestone for week 41 of pregnancy!! That is 10 months and 1 week. WOWZA! Today is my last day of pregnancy!! Looking forward to meeting Penelope Ann tomorrow. We will be inducing labor at 7:30 am. The past couple of days I have been having some crampy contractions, but still nothing intense. I am eager to find out if they have been doing anything! My mother always never knew when she was in labor until she was dilated to about 7 cm!! With me she was literally sitting on my head in the car on the way to the hospital, my younger sister Katie Mae she was overdue with. Went in at 42 weeks to be induced. When we got there she was in transition!! She had Katie within the hour!

It's crazy how each and every woman is different with pregnancy, and labor. I just love hearing every ones experiences!

I have been feeling rather great still. Just tired here and there towards the evenings. I have been taking it pretty easy the past few days. I was admitted into the hospital the other night with high blood pressure. I had an extremely bad headache for most of the day, and nothing would make it subside. So I then decided I had better call my doctor before he closed for the evening. I called at about 4:30, Jamie had left for work and took Elijah up to gma and gpa's house, so I could get some rest. The doctor told me to take my bp, and call them back with the results.

So I called my friend Stephanie, and she took me over to the grocery store so I could get my bp taken at the pharmacy. I took it 4 times. It was surely high! 150/94 was my average. I have never in my life been over 120/80. I called my doctor back, and they told me to come in immediately. I had to call Jamie who was almost at work, and have him turn around, then I had to get ah old of my sister in law, and get our game plans rolling to take Elijah for the night.

It was nerve wracking. I didn't know what to expect at this moment. Were we gonna have a baby? Were they going to induce me tonight? Were they going to do a cesarean? Jamie gave me a blessing, and I felt at ease right away. They hooked me up to all the standard machines, took my blood, and started me an IV in case we had to have the baby that night. I still had high blood pressure and Penelope's heart rate was high. Around 180 Jamie and I sat and talked and laughed, while watching a couple episodes of "Friends" . Jamie kept saying they were going to send us home.

I was popping out contractions like it was cool. About every 3 minutes,but they weren't painful. They just really made me have to urinate like NO OTHER! They just weren't long or strong enough to be doing much. I dilated about 1/2 a cm while we were there. If I had made significant progress we would have stayed overnight. We were admitted about 7:30pm, and had our results around 10:30. Everything came back normal. My bp had lowered to normal, and Penny's heartrate had gone back down to normal as well.
Love these peachy orange flowers!

We were released with a clean bill of health that evening! We celebrated with some ice cream, and headed home. I have felt back to normal since then. However it has been super hard to sit still. The doctors and nurses told me to take it easy, and watch my bp. It seems that being on my feet easily gets my contractions going, and they tend to get stronger quite easily. So I sat still pretty well for 2 days. Kind of?? I'm not very good at the whole sitting thing. Today I worked in my yard a while. Had to plant some more flowers ;O) I just love this time of year.

My pumpkins, watermelon and Strawberries!
Working in the yard is by far one of my favorite things to do! I certainly get it from my mother! I do intend to take the rest of the day easy, I'm not even going to COOK! Can't believe the day is almost to a close..Ill be seeing you SOON PENNY!!

1 comment:

derek and michelle said...

Cant wait to see pics!Good luck tomorrow!