Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ogden Temple

Yesterday we were able to take in an endowment session at the Ogden Temple. It was about time! I have been fussing over a visit for quite some time to Jamie. Our last Temple visit was back in Sept in the SLC temple. It was an awesome time as usual. I really cannot express how great it feels to fulfill these precious ordinances on a regular basis, with my loved ones. My brother Jake and his wife Tantine planned to be sealed around February of 2009. They live back in Oregon, and will most likely be doing so at the Portland Temple! I feel very blessed that my brother too will be able to come with me through the temple one day, that we will be able to take part together in something extremely special!!

As for our Halloween. It was pretty quiet. I was able to hand out candy at our house for about an hour, before we went over to Jamie's parents for the evening to watch movies and hand out candy there. It was quite funny to see Summit's reaction on his first Halloween. He was a scardy cat! He was very upset at first to see all these high pitched voiced "creatures" standing at our door screaming at me for candy. For a few trick or treaters he was very defensive over me. But he soon settled and was too friendly for words to all that came our way. He mostly sat right next to the door anxious for the next visiter!

1 comment:

Trav, Crystal, Carson, Cooper, and Chasely said...

You guys are so cute. We need to make it to the temple's been forever!