Sunday, April 25, 2010

15 weeks!

So we hit our 15 week mark this past Thursday! We were very excited for our visit to the Dr. Last time we were able to see our little baby, arms, legs, head and all! This time we were anxiously anticipating hearing the heartbeat!

Before getting down to business, the Dr. wanted to talk to us about testing our baby for down syndrome. I am not too crazy about the whole test. In all actuality it is pointless for us.

Our Dr. told us that 90% of the blood tests come back positive.. now if a screening test indicates a high risk of Down syndrome, a more invasive test may be used to determine whether your baby actually has Down syndrome, called Amniocentesis. So a sample of my amniotic fluid surrounding my baby would be withdrawn through a needle inserted into my uterus (Sounds oh so appealing). Then the sample is then used to analyze the chromosomes of the baby. The bad part....The test carries a one in 200 risk of miscarriage.

We decided against it. Reason being...we don't believe in abortion (depending on the situation at hand. This case NOT being one of them.) We would not terminate the pregnancy if we were to find out that the baby had down syndrome.

So if we were to find out our baby was going to have down syndrome, the only good thing that COULD come from it, would be giving us adequate time to prepare. But the risk of miscarrying is not appealing. So we opted against it.

Finally the Dr. got the Doppler out, and began the procedure. He was feeling around really low on my abdomen, and I couldn't quite figure why...I can tell my baby has been sitting up by my belly button. 2 minutes into it, still no sound. I could tell Jamie was getting a little worried. So, I took the Dr's hand and slid it up a bit higher. And low and behold, there he was! His little quick heart beat!

The Dr. looked at me and smiled, well, well. There is your baby! He asked me if I could tell where the baby was by the pressure on my bladder, I nodded, and replied yes. I told him I have been able to tell for a couple of weeks now.

Then we heard a sudden loud, short shwooshing noise, repeatedly. The Dr. asked me if I could feel that, I replied no. He said that sound was my baby kicking! He estimated in the next few weeks I would be feeling my lil one!

All in all our appointment went great, and everything checked out fine! We scheduled our next appointment to find out the sex of our baby!! It was to be scheduled the 21st, but the Dr. is going to be gone, and the following week Jamie is working, so we had to push it clear out to JUNE 1st!

We are very excited to find out the sex of the baby. The whole way home we talked about names for GIRLS. This was a change!! Usually we just talk about boy names! Of course we already have one girl name picked out and in stone...but we talked about what we would name our baby if we had more than one! Could this be a sign!???

And for all you belly photo lovin' people who constantly text, and facebook me wanting a you go! Not much yet! But well on it's way!! :O)


Becktacular Duo! said...

Such a fun time!

We actually didn't do any of the tests for DS, etc. on our baby, either. We figured the same thing as you did.

So glad you got to hear the heartbeat, and that you can feel where your baby is sitting. My baby still sits really low, so that's interesting that your baby is already up by your belly button. Isn't it awesome how each experience is totally unique and wonderful?

We're so happy for you guys, keep the posts coming!

Christian, Kerri, & The Boys said...

Aw, I am excited for you guys!!

Kenzee Jo said...

YAY!! I'm so happy all is going well... it's an amazing process... and still boggles my mind how they grow so fast. I didn't do that test either with Declan or this one. I don't agree with it really...and I don't want to worry about it. If God gives me a kiddo with 'problems', then so be it. Nothing I can do about it...nothing I would do about it to change. So GOOD FOR YOU!!! We're in the same boat. Can't wait to hear what it is. I still need a name for this girlie. We had Declan's first name set in stone...but this one... SO HARD!! :) So happy for you both though. Best blessing in the world.

Unknown said...

Um, you are so tiny and can't believe you are even pregnant! And we don't do the downsyndrome test either! And I CANNOT WAIT til June 1st...keep us posted!!!!!!

KymandKalab said...

We didn't do any of the testing either. Sounds like a lot of people feel the same way! That is so cool you could tell where the baby was. Malloree was so low the whole pregnancy. I was at my ultrasound at 21 1/2weeks and she was still quite a bit below my belly button. So having anyone but Kalab or myself feel her kick for pretty much the majority of my pregnancy was off limits due to how personal ya had to get. Ha ha. I'm really excited to find out if you are having a boy or a girl!