Thursday, April 1, 2010

We're Pregnant!

There was a lot more to February then I shared in my last update! The best birthday present that I received was a positive pregnancy test!!! Right before my birthday on the 17th of February, I took a pregnancy test. There were no reasons for me to take the test, and I had no symptoms, it had just been a few weeks since I last took one, and I was just curious! And then to my surprise, it came out positive!!!!

It was crazy. And I was confused as to how far along I was. Everything in January, and February cycle wise was completely normal. So I called my OB who told me to take a blood test with my regular family Dr, to confirm the pregnancy, and have a quantitative hCG blood test done to determine how far along I was.

I was told that I was about 4 to 5 weeks along at that point and time.

Finally made it into my OB 3 weeks later ( the longest 3 weeks of my life ) for our first official appointment, and ultrasound. I have been seeing Dr. Hansen in Evanston for a couple of years now. He is a wonderful Dr, so I have decided to continue with him throughout my pregnancy. He had prepared me for the ultrasound, and had told me that according to my blood work I was 7-9 weeks, but probably more like 7. Seeing as blood results can be off. So at that point he had told me we were probably going to be seeing what would appear as a "jellybean" on the screen. And that there MIGHT be some appendages, but that they might not show up as arms and legs quite yet.

So I was prepared to see my little "bean castillon" ( as the girls at work call him ) yes I do not know the sex, this is just wishful thinking on our part :O)

Well then, the Doc got down to business, and then a baby popped up on the screen. Then Jamie spoke in awe...right after he spoke our little baby started wiggling and squirming around like CRAZY. And there were arms, legs, a head, and you could even make out a face! :O) He looked as if he were running in my womb! So active, it was unbelievable. Jamie and I were misty eyed, and in complete awe. Our little baby was so alive, and real, I finally felt pregnant! It was a blast watching him on the screen, I could have watched it all day. So cute. Then our little one did something I was not expecting. He stuck his fist in his mouth! And started pushing his feet and hands up against the walls. It was crazy. Then Dr. Hansen spoke up...saying " lookey here, you are A LOT further along than I had anticipated." You are measuring....11 weeks.

It was a very welcome surprise!!!!

Jamie and I just couldn't believe what we had just seen. It was awesome sharing that moment with him. Definitely special.

So today I am 3 months along. And I have felt great! I haven't had any morning sickness. That was one thing throwing me off, I was expecting to be living with my head in the toilet. But not once have I got sick. I am very thankful for that! The only strong symptom I really had in the beginning of my pregnancy was lack of energy. I was just really tired for a couple of weeks. And that really was about it. Then I had a few other symptoms, tenderness, urinating frequently, and food preferences. And on the plus side, my skin never broke out! Actually have a nice glow. Phew!

Seems everything has balanced out now, and I feel spectacular! My energy levels are high, and I just all around feel great!!

Everything is just falling into place! Jamie has been wanting kids since the day we got married 4 years ago...but we also wanted to have things in our life established before we started a family, and we have for a couple of years now. It feels fabulous to start our lil family!! We had been trying to get pregnant since the beginning of August, and I was getting a bit flustered!!!

Summit has noticed a change. A month ago we began to notice that he has become a bit over protective of me. Especially when Jamie is not home at night. He definitely can sense that I am pregnant. And recently he has become obsessed with my belly! He always lays his head on my tummy now, and sniffs it, and even has begun to lick it. Quite odd at first, then cute, but now kinda annoying lol...but still adorable. Its just hard to get ready in the A.M when all he wants to do is corner me and hug my belly. :O)


Kenzee Jo said...

Loved hearing this!!! What a great Birthday present to get a positive pregnancy test!! Even better to find out you're further along!! So very happy for you both... you'll be amazing parents. This is an amazing journey indeed!!! CONGRATS!!!

Christian, Kerri, & The Boys said...

I am excited for you!! Congrats you will be an awesome MOM!

The Spicers said...

Awesome! So excited for you guys. You'll be great parents. ;)

The Druces' said...

Loved the update! I am so excited for you guys! You are wonderful! I know my parents love having you guys in their ward! CONGRATS!

Green River High School said...

This was such a cool story to read!!! I was hoping it would happen soon for you guys! Aww, Congrats!!!! Good luck with the rest of the pregnancy :)